13 June 2022

In 2003, the engineer Christophe Martz invented the term “econology“, which is a contraction of the words economy and ecology. The aim of “econology” is to prove that it is possible to combine economy, ecology and environment in order to preserve the planet for future generations while making savings in the present and in the long term.

What is econology?

Econology” is a term created by the engineer Christophe Martz, who contracted the words economy and ecology to show that it is possible to combine economy, ecology and environment. Today, working ecologically shows that companies can save money, but so can individuals.

In relation to the current climate emergency, this term allows us to limit the consumption of non-renewable energy, but also to exclude the dematerialisation of the economy. We can also call this process the “ecological economy” or “ecolonomy“.

Econology” makes it possible to improve three main areas: human health, environmental protection and the financial economy. This concept can also be integrated into the social and solidarity economy.

Why should we focus on ‘econology‘?

It also provides information on the different solutions, whether economic, ecological or social, for the development of socio-economic systems, existing buildings, with renovations or new projects.

Above all, it is necessary to favour solutions that are less energy-consuming and respectful of the environment.

Ecolonomy” is aimed at the general public in the first instance, with several technologies that enable them to reduce their bills while using renewable energy. But it is also aimed at architects, contractors, builders, installers, managers or anyone wishing to discover the ecological and economical practices possible. Today, producing ecologically or using renewable energies is more economical.

FLAME, the French federation of local energy agencies, is launching the “Econ’home” project. This plan is aimed at individuals wishing to reduce their consumptions by saving energy. A diagnosis of energy expenditure is made in order to propose solutions to reduce it.

The “ecological economy” is based on 3 principles of sustainable development, the reduction of the impact on the environment and the prevention of pollution, the reduction of the risk at work and the difficulty of the jobs, but also the improvement of industrial site’s production. “Econology” allows you to manage your company differently.

How to combine economy and ecology?

You may be wondering how to implement the concept of “econology” in your business or home. Several solutions exist today to help you save money while respecting the environment.

In the workplace, you can, for example, optimise the use of your raw materials and monitor their provenance to limit their carbon footprint. Treating wastewater or waste from your business can also be a way of ‘greening‘ or analysing the life cycle of products to make changes to optimise their impact.

Spending less with greener behaviour is a concept with a lot of preconceived ideas, since we often think, wrongly, that what is ecological is more expensive.

The concept of “econology” requires coherence with a global approach that will lead to productivity gains.

This requires a significant investment, but it will pay for itself very quickly. Today, we are seeing the development of solar water heaters to meet the needs of domestic hot water or photovoltaic panels that will allow you to produce your own electricity throughout the day.

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