our category
Accessories and Components
RESOL Solar Regulations

Syrius Basic – DeltaSol
BS/2 HE – Ref R0400

DeltaSol AL-EHE
Ref R0411

DeltaSol SLT-LAN
Ref R0437

DeltaSol BX Plus
Ref R0443

DeltaSol MX
Ref R0456
RESOL Recorders and communication

Datalogger DL2
Ref R0500

Datalogger DL3
Ref R0505

Communication module
KM2 – Ref R0510

Alarme module AM1 –
Ref R0530

Interface adapter Vbus /
USB – Ref R0580

Interface adapter Vbus /
LAN – Ref R0581

Immersion probe
PT1000 – Ref R0100

Dump probe PT1000
Ref R0101

Combined probe VFS
Ref R0110 à R0115

Combined probe RPS
Ref R0118

Twilight probe
Ref R0120
Solar pump units

FlowSol S HE, 1-Way
Ref R02110

FlowSol B HE, 2-Way
Ref R02120

FlowSol XL, 2-Way
Ref R02130

2-Way – 3/4″ – circulator
ST25/6 – Ref R02010

2-Way – 1″ – circulator
ST25/7 – Ref R02020

1-Way Pump unit without
regulators – Ref R02151

2-Way Pump unit without
regulators – Ref R02150

2-Way – DrainBack
Ref R02100

1-Way – DrainBack
Ref R04300
Installation Accessories

Flexible Stainless Steel Tube
4 different outside diameters, from 16 to 32 mm. Crown length of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 50 m.
Ref LID120XX, LID1600XX,
LID2000XX, LID2500XX
(XX to be replaced by the desired length)

Flexible Stainless Steel Tube in bobbin
4 different outside diameters (from 21 to 32 mm). Bobbin from 320 to 1500 m.
Ref LID161500, LID160750,
LID200500, LID250320

Tools for stainless steel hose
4 possible matrices

Nuts and Rings
4 possible diameters : 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1″1/4
Ref A0700, A0701, A0702, A0703

Flexible Stainless Steel Tube Insulated monotube
UV insulation, 13 mm thick 3 different outside diameters, from 21 to 32 mm .Crown length of 10, 15, 20 or 25 m.
Ref LI11600XX, LI12000XX,
(XX to be replaced by the desired length)

Flexible Stainless Steel Tube Insulated bitube with probe cable
UV insulation, 13 mm thick 3 different outside diameters, from 21 to 32 mm. Crown length of 10, 15, 20 or 25 m.
Ref LI21600XX, LI22000XX,
(XX to be replaced by the desired length)
Safety device

Right security group
3/4″ – Ref A0010

Preset Pressure balancing
valves 3/4″ – Ref A0020

Solar thermostatic mixer
3/4″ – Ref A0030
Roof accessories

LRC tape 40×3 mm
roll 30m – Ref A0870

Silicone sleeve 8 to 16mm
– Ref A0860
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