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Le Patio 34, which has 5 guest rooms and 4 lodging, wanted to renovate its hot water production system for the supply of the bathrooms (9 rooms) and the kitchen. It was equipped with a SYRIUS centralised solar water heating system.
Installer : Pro-thermic in Sète (34, France)
Site supervision and assistance: Syrius Solar Industry
Location: Metropolitan area of Montpellier
Number of rooms: 9
Kitchen: 1
Type of installation: solar thermal, split type with back-up
separate (500L and 200L storage)
Average annual consumption: 500 L/day at 60° CNumber of solar collectors: 7, installed in parallel on a tiled roof
15 rue du Perpignan
ZAC Descartes
Phone number : +33 (0)4 67 82 00 18
Mentions légales, CGV et Copyright ©Syrius Solar Industry all rights reserved.
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